Get ready to be inspired by Robyn’s incredible story of strength (both body & mind).
What’s your journey to InstaPhysique?
I have exercised regularly since I was 15 in various ways – aerobics, gym memberships, personal training, you name it. InstaPhysique is by far my favorite workout. Low impact, total body, with incredible results. I have been coming for almost 7 years – I love how Instaphysique has prepared me to keep up with my teen son who regularly challenges me to after dinner plank and push up competitions. Additionally, Insta has made it easy to effortlessly ski all day again after a many year break without wearing out or fear of injury.
I think one of the most underrated aspects of this workout, is the mental toughness you gain. I was impressed with myself when I won a beer stein holding competition a couple years ago – which I attribute fully – not to my shoulder & arm strength, but to my mental fortitude I’ve built from these workouts – I just settled in and kept holding.
What’s your favorite thing about InstaPhysique?
My favorite thing is that it’s only 40 min! I can always squeeze in a 40 min workout to feel as strong and accomplished as I do after each class.
What keeps you coming?
No matter what kind of night I’ve had (kids up at all hours, restless dogs) how tired I am and how much I don’t want to come to class – after my workout, I’m always happy I showed up. I know that once I get myself to class, I can modify any move for the body that I have that day. And more often than not, on those ‘hard to get there days’, I surprise myself with how much endurance I have and how strong I feel all the way through the finisher.
How do you find ways to prioritize fitness amidst a demanding schedule and family responsibilities?
As my kids have grown from toddlers to teens – my workout window has changed but I make sure to book classes in the morning when I have the most energy. That way it’s done for the day and I can take on everything else that gets thrown my way. Working out 3-4x a week is simply a non-negotiable for me because it makes me a better mom, wife, daughter, sister & friend. And I feel so efficient with InstaPhysique because the workouts are quick and dirty – they’re really hard but over with before you know it!
What’s one piece of advice you’d give to other moms struggling to find “me time”?
“Me time” is so important. You are a far better mamma when you pour back into yourself with an activity that restores YOU. If you’re like me, after going to InstaPhysique, you’ll have more energy and patience for your kids while feeling great about your health and how strong you look.